Paulo Rocha Profiled by Boston Society for Architecture

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August 2, 2022
Paulo Rocha’s work leading KPMB’s team for Boston University’s Center for Computing & Data Sciences merges craftsmanship and forward-thinking to address the growing demand for dedicated data sciences learning on university campuses. In light of Paulo’s experience working in Boston, the Boston Society for Architecture interviewed him for a profile keyed to his work at Boston University’s campus.
In addition to sharing insights from the Center for Computing & Data Sciences project, Paulo speaks about his career experience and perspective on how architecture has the power to shape cities and create communities.
“At a city scale, I hope that [our] work contributes to the fabric of its place in a meaningful way by adding and enhancing to the site and its surroundings, as well as contributing to the health and well-being of the people it houses—creating spaces that will enrich the experience and work that is not only environmentally sustainable but socially sustainable, putting the people it serves first,” says Paulo.
Read the full interview on Boston Society for Architecture here